Thursday, February 23, 2012

3 Extraordinary Benefits of Drinking Green Tea | My blog

Green tea has been delivering its healthy properties for over a thousand years to the people in various Asian countries. Now, people all over the world are realizing that this is a powerful healing food that can help maintain good health. What?s more, since the scientific community has begun studying green tea, there are positive signs that certain medical problems can be helped with this plant food. So, whether you want to drink it or take in capsule, you can do that and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. So, today, we?re going to move right into a talk about how green tea can help you maintain a healthy body.

Incredibly enough, green tea is great for dental health; yes, teeth and gum health. This has wider and more potentially serious implications because now scientists are saying that the healthy state of your teeth and gums can impact your heart.

If you look at the ingredients of all natural toothpastes, you?ll find that many now include green tea. Yet, believe it or not, studies have shown that even drinking green tea can help to prevent tooth decay. There are unique properties within green tea that are antagonists for the growth of particular bacteria responsible for dental plaque. For greater dental health, you can simply consume green tea as a drink, or buy toothpaste that contains it ? or both!

Yet even more super powers of green tea have to do with prevention or support qualities for bone diseases and arthritis. There are anti-inflammatory properties in green tea, and that makes it effective for arthritis and other similar inflammation-aggravated conditions. There are so many positive effects from taking green tea every single day, and if you have arthritis then that?s another reason to try it for a while.

This is good news for the many people who suffer with this kind of ailment, and for those who want to avoid such problems as they get older.

Green tea is also a great choice for gentle detoxification, and that of course will improve the health of your liver. You can also give your overall immune system a boost thanks to catechins which are antioxidants. This is really fantastic news because your liver is so important for ridding your body of environmental poisons and toxins that make their way into your body. You can take capsules every day, of course, but it?s important to take-in the equivalent of three to four cups of green tea every day. You are not quite finished learning about visit this blog post and all that it means in your life. We have not placed any particular emphasis on any one thing because we want you to think about them objectively. That is really in your best interest only because you know your situation better than anybody else. We tend to believe a firm foundation with a broad base is effective. That is would be the ideal scenario, here, but you will not always have the time to do what is necessary for that to happen. If that describes you, then you know that you need to make the very most of your time. When you do locate what is meaningful to you, then obviously you will be compelled to focus on that.

Green tea is a completely natural and beneficial food, and one that is fairly inexpensive and easy to find. You can buy tea by the pound, as tea bags or as a supplement. Green tea does have stimulant properties, caffeine, but it?s much less than regular coffee at about 50%. Considering all the terrific things green tea can do for you, it?s worth reading more about and then getting some and using it. This seems to be a substance that has a healing effect on the entire body, especially if you consume it every day.

There are excellent, unique, and powerful benefits of green tea; and what else will come out is anyone?s guess. This food is flexible because you can take it as capsule, other food alternatives, and of course drink the tea. The tea is delightful to drink, and you can have it every day and promote your health at the same time.


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